Free Webinar for Professional Vacation Rental Managers and Airbnb Hosts

Free Webinar for Professional Vacation Rental Managers and Airbnb Hosts

Experience has shown that 90% of your vacation rental business success depends on wise pricing.

We are excited to invite you to our webinar

Choosing Pricing Strategy for your Short-Term Rental Business.

It takes place on June 29th at 11 AM PDT.

You’ll meet Airbnb hosting experts, short-term and vacation rental managers from your industry. Register now to save your spot.

Webinar Speakers

Kamil Damji
Director of Sales at iGMS

With more than 12 years of sales and leadership experience, Kamil has been immersed in technology sales and cloud-based solutions working to grow iGMS’s sales and business development departments.

Ian McHenry
Co-founder and CEO of Beyond Pricing

Ian has spent his entire career in travel and technology. Beyond Pricing is an outgrowth of Ian’s deep experience with pricing and revenue management in the airline and hotel sector.

Here is what you’ll learn during the webinar:

  • Pricing strategies and how they work for hosts. What are the pros and cons for each?
  • Pricing management approaches on the market. How could Technology and AI save your time and maximize the profit?
  • What to consider while choosing the best pricing strategy that works for your vacation rental?

To get you some real numbers and useful insights on the topic we’ve invited a true expert in automated pricing, co-founder, and CEO of Beyond Pricing, Ian McHenry. You’ll get a chance to see how Artificial Intelligence could improve your vacation rental business metrics.
Use this unique opportunity to ask your questions related to vacation rental pricing management. Put together your pricing strategy and increase your Airbnb profit right this season.
Invite your friends, partners, and Airbnb hosts from your local community.

Extra bonuses for all attendees.