Best Smart Home Technology for Airbnb Rentals

Best Smart Home Technology for Airbnb Rentals

According to statistics, the global home automation market will be worth $81.6 billion by 2023.  With its ability to offer convenience, security, and personalized experiences, it’s no wonder that smart home technology has captured the attention of hosts worldwide.

In this article, we will explore the best smart home technology options specifically tailored for Airbnb rentals focusing on the digital adoption of cutting-edge devices. From smart locks to voice-activated assistants, we will delve into the must-have devices that can take your hosting game to the next level. So, whether you’re a seasoned host or just starting out, get ready to discover the innovative tools that can transform your Airbnb rental into a smart, efficient, and unforgettable experience for your guests.

smart home devices

Key Considerations before Implementing Smart Home Technology:

Integrating smart home technology into your Airbnb rental can significantly enhance guest experiences and streamline property management. However, to ensure a successful implementation, there are key considerations you should keep in mind. Let’s explore these smart home rentals considerations and best practices:


When selecting smart home devices for your vacation rental, compatibility is crucial to ensure they seamlessly integrate with your existing systems or platforms.

  • Research Compatible Devices: Start by researching smart devices that seamlessly integrate with your existing systems or platforms. Check if they are compatible with popular vacation rental management software like iGMS. This compatibility allows for efficient management of your property and ensures a seamless experience for both you and your guests.
  • Consider Interconnectivity: Look for devices that can work together to create a connected ecosystem. For example, a smart lock that integrates with a compatible smart doorbell and security system can provide a comprehensive and convenient guest experience.

Cost and Return on Investment

Before investing in smart home features, it’s essential to assess your budget and evaluate the long-term benefits and potential cost savings. Some cost-effective smart devices that offer significant returns include smart plugs, which allow remote control of smart appliances, and smart sensors that detect leaks or smoke, helping you prevent potential damage and minimize expenses.

  • Set a Budget: Determine your budget for smart homes and allocate funds accordingly. Consider the long-term benefits and potential cost savings that the devices can offer and simplify your expense tracking and payment processes through online invoicing systems.
  • Evaluate Potential Savings: Look for devices that can help you save on utility costs, such as smart thermostats that optimize energy usage or smart lighting systems that automatically adjust brightness and turn off when rooms are unoccupied.

Guest Privacy and Security

In an era of heightened concern for privacy and security, protecting guest privacy and securing their personal data is of utmost importance. Consider devices with built-in privacy features, such as cameras with privacy modes or voice assistants with customizable privacy settings. Regularly update device firmware to stay protected against emerging threats.

  • Prioritize Data Protection: Choose smart devices from reputable manufacturers that prioritize data privacy and security. Look for devices with robust encryption protocols and two-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Inform Guests: Clearly communicate to guests about the smart devices in your rental property and the measures you have taken to protect their privacy. Provide instructions on how you handle guest data and ensure they feel secure during their stay.

smart home rentals

Essential Smart Home Technology for Airbnb Rentals

Smart Locks

Incorporating smart locks into your Airbnb rental can offer numerous benefits for both hosts and guests. These keyless entry systems provide seamless check-ins, improved security, and added convenience.

Imagine a scenario where a guest arrives late at night. With a smart lock, they can easily access the property using a unique access code provided before their arrival. This eliminates the need for key exchanges or waiting for the host to arrive, offering convenience and a positive first impression.

Consider the following steps and best practices when choosing and implementing smart locks:

1. Research Compatibility: Before selecting a smart lock, ensure that it seamlessly integrates with your existing smart home system or platforms. Compatibility with vacation rental management software is crucial for efficient access code generation and management.

2. Choose a Secure and User-Friendly Option: Smart locks offer robust security features, such as encryption and tamper alerts, to protect against unauthorized access. Additionally, models that provide temporary access codes allow you to grant specific permissions to cleaners or maintenance personnel during designated timeframes.

3. Communicate Instructions Clearly: Provide guests with detailed instructions on how to use the smart lock and access their unique entry code. Create step-by-step guidance and visual aids, such as images or tutorial videos, to ensure a smooth and hassle-free check-in process.

4. Regularly Update Access Codes: For optimal security, change access codes between guest stays. This prevents unauthorized individuals from gaining entry and ensures the safety of both your guests and your properties.

Smart Thermostats

Integrating smart thermostats into your Airbnb rental not only promotes energy efficiency but also allows guests to personalize their comfort. For example, imagine a guest staying in your Airbnb rental during a hot summer. With a smart thermostat, they can program the cooling to kick in before their return, ensuring a refreshing and comfortable environment. This level of control enhances their overall experience and showcases the benefits of smart technology.

Consider the following steps and best practices when considering smart thermostats:

1. Assess Budget and Features: Evaluate your budget and consider the long-term benefits and potential cost savings of smart thermostats. Look for models that offer energy-saving features and compatibility with popular voice assistants for convenient control.

2. Create Temperature Schedules: Encourage guests to personalize their temperature preferences by setting up temperature schedules that align with their daily routines. This allows them to enjoy a comfortable environment while optimizing energy usage when the properties are unoccupied.

3. Utilize Geofencing: Some smart thermostats offer geofencing capabilities, which can automatically adjust the temperature based on the guests’ location. This ensures energy efficiency by reducing heating or cooling when guests are away from the property.

4. Provide Usage Guidelines: Educate guests on how to utilize the smart thermostat effectively. Inform them about temperature control options, scheduling features, and the importance of conserving energy during their stay.

Security Cameras and Alarms

Installing security cameras and alarms in your Airbnb rental demonstrates your commitment to guest safety and property protection.  Follow these steps and best practices to maximize the benefits of these smart home features:

1. Strategic Placement: Identify key areas within the rental property where security cameras would provide the most coverage and deter potential intruders. Common areas, entry points, and outdoor spaces are ideal locations.

2. Opt for Motion Detection: Choose security cameras equipped with motion detection capabilities. This ensures that any suspicious activity triggers immediate alerts, allowing you to take appropriate action promptly.

3. Consider Privacy Concerns: While security is important, it’s crucial to balance it with guest privacy. Clearly communicate the presence of security cameras to your guests through your listing description and house rules. Assure them that the cameras are solely for their safety and the protection of the rental property. Respect their privacy by avoiding placing cameras in private spaces such as bedrooms or bathrooms.

4. Cloud Storage and Remote Access: Select security camera systems that offer cloud storage options for video footage. This allows you to remotely access and review the recordings if needed, providing an additional layer of security and peace of mind.

Voice-Activated Assistants

Integrating voice-activated assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant can revolutionize the guest experience in your Airbnb rental. These intelligent assistants provide a modern touch of convenience and control. Guests can simply say “Hey, Alexa, dim the lights and play some relaxing music,” and instantly the lights adjust to a soothing ambiance while their favorite playlist fills the room. This seamless control through voice commands enhances their relaxation and overall experience.

To optimize the benefits of voice assistants, follow these steps and best practices:

1. Voice Commands Guide: Create a comprehensive guide that outlines commonly used voice commands and instructions for guests to interact with the voice-activated assistant. This guide should cover a range of functionalities, such as adjusting lights, controlling thermostats, playing music, setting reminders, and more. Ensure that guests are aware of the voice commands available to them for a seamless and intuitive experience.

2. Personalized Recommendations: Utilize the capabilities of the voice assistant to offer tailored local recommendations to your guests. Program the assistant to provide suggestions for nearby restaurants, popular attractions, or even transportation options. By leveraging the assistant’s intelligence, you can offer guests valuable insights and enhance their stay with personalized recommendations.

3. Smart Device Control: Highlight the convenience of using voice commands to control other smart devices within the rental property. Guests can easily adjust lighting levels, change the thermostat settings, or even lock/unlock doors, all with simple voice instructions. Emphasize how this hands-free control enhances their comfort and convenience during their stay.

4. Guest Privacy Assurance: Address guest privacy concerns by clearly communicating that voice recordings are not stored and any information collected is solely used to enhance their experience during their stay. Assure guests that their privacy is respected, and their interactions with the voice assistant are secure and confidential.

Smart Home Lighting

Implementing smart lighting systems in your Airbnb rental creates a welcoming ambiance and promotes energy efficiency. Follow these steps and best practices to optimize the benefits of smart lighting:

1. Install Dimmable Bulbs: Choose smart bulbs that offer dimming capabilities, allowing guests to adjust the lighting intensity to their preferences. This creates a cozy and personalized atmosphere within the rental property.

2. Explore Color Customization: Some smart lights offer color-changing options, enabling guests to set the desired mood or match the ambiance to their preferences. This feature can enhance the overall experience and create a memorable stay.

3. Utilize Scheduling and Home Automation Systems: Set up lighting schedules that align with guests’ daily routines or create home automation rules to turn lights on/off when the rental properties are unoccupied. This helps conserve energy and ensures a well-lit and secure environment.

Smart TV

Integrating a smart TV into your Airbnb rental can elevate the entertainment experience for your guests.  With a smart TV, guests can enjoy seamless access to popular streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video. They can easily log in to their personal accounts and binge-watch their favorite shows or movies during their stay.

Also, as a host, you can create a dedicated streaming account for your Airbnb rental properties that guests can use during their stay. This eliminates the need for guests to log in with their personal accounts, ensuring a hassle-free experience while maintaining privacy and security.

installing smart devices

Smart Home Technology: Dos and Don’ts for Airbnb Hosts

Dos: Making the Most of Smart Home Technology

To ensure a seamless and positive experience for both property managers and guests, here are some dos when it comes to implementing smart home tech in your Airbnb rental:

  • Offer Clear Instructions: Provide step-by-step instructions for guests on how to operate and navigate the smart devices in your rental. This can be in the form of a user manual, laminated guides, or even digital instructions accessible through a tablet or smart home control panel. If you have a social media account of your properties, you can share with them Instagram reels with photos and clear step-by-step instructions.
  • Support Channels: Encourage hosts to establish support channels for guests to address any issues or questions related to smart home devices. This can include a dedicated business phone number, email address, or even an on-site contact person who can assist with troubleshooting. Prompt and reliable support enhances the guest experience and ensures that any technical difficulties are addressed promptly.

Don’ts: Avoiding Pitfalls in Smart Technology

To create a positive and guest-centric experience, here are some don’ts when it comes to smart tech in your Airbnb rental:

  • Invasive Smart Devices: Avoid implementing smart devices that compromise guest privacy. Opt for devices that offer privacy settings and secure data encryption. Guests should feel at ease during their stay, knowing that their privacy is respected and their personal information is safeguarded.
  • Overwhelming Technology: While smart homes can greatly enhance the guest experience, it’s essential not to overwhelm guests with complicated or unfamiliar devices. Choose user-friendly and intuitive devices that are easy to operate and understand. Simplicity is key to ensuring that guests can effortlessly enjoy the benefits of smart technology without feeling overwhelmed or confused.


As the vacation rental industry continues to evolve, embracing smart tech is a competitive advantage that sets your Airbnb rental apart. By selecting and implementing smart devices with care, hosts can create a welcoming and technologically advanced environment that leaves a lasting impression on their guests.

Remember to stay up to date with the latest advancements in smart technology and adapt your offerings accordingly to meet the ever-changing needs and expectations of guests.

Vacation rental software, such as iGMS, is the smart solution for hosts, vacation rental managers, property managers, and property management companies. It uses innovative approaches that are inspired by new trends. It can help you to save time on routine tasks like guest messages, cleaning management, and other daily responsibilities, including:


About the Author

Zuzana Hudecova is a marketing specialist for CloudTalk, helping to create compelling messaging in support of the next generation of cloud communication and call center software.