How to Start Your Own Airbnb Consulting Business

How to Start Your Own Airbnb Consulting Business

Have you considered starting your own Airbnb consulting business? If you run a successful business as an Airbnb host, consulting is another great way to earn money from Airbnb.

In fact, you don’t even need to have any experience with consulting previously. That’s because you already have a wealth of knowledge that you can share with potential Airbnb hosts as a result of your own Airbnb hosting experience.

If you’re ready to find out if Airbnb consulting is right for you, here is a brief guide to help you start your own profitable Airbnb consulting venture.

Airbnb Consulting Tips

Is Airbnb Consulting Right for You?

Before you get started with your Airbnb consulting business, you should first determine if consulting is a good fit for you. Just because you can become a consultant, that doesn’t automatically mean that you should.

Here are some of the key characteristics that successful Airbnb consultants have:


You need to be able to get the work done on your own, without the support of a boss. You’ll be responsible for managing all of the important tasks from invoicing clients to actually delivering the services.

Significant Experience as an Airbnb Host

Since your main job is to help Airbnb hosts succeed, you need to have deep knowledge of how to help hosts succeed on Airbnb. You also need to have significant experience as an Airbnb host.

While you don’t have to have thousands of properties in your Airbnb portfolio, it’s a good idea to at least have a few along with the Airbnb profits and 5-star reviews that demonstrate that you know what you’re doing.

You Need People Skills

Airbnb is a business that requires good people skills. This also extends to the consulting business. You’ll need to market yourself, negotiate with your clients, and position yourself as an expert. If any of this sounds like it will be difficult for you, then consulting might not be the right fit for you.

However, if all of this sounds like a walk in the park, congratulations! It’s time to start building your Airbnb consulting business.

3 Things You Need to Start an Airbnb Consulting Business

The main benefit of running an Airbnb consulting business is that you don’t need any special credentials or a post office. In fact, to grow your business successfully you only need the following 3 things:

1. A unique consulting service offer
2. A proven niche with Airbnb hosts who are happy to pay for your services
3. A proven system for attracting new clients to your business

These three things will define your Airbnb consulting business plan. Here’s how to set up each one:

Your Consulting Service Offer

Airbnb Consulting Help

To attract clients, you need a distinct consulting service offer that Airbnb hosts would be interested in paying for. To create this offer, you must find a specific challenge that Airbnb hosts struggle with so that you can become an expert at helping them overcome that challenge.

Start by thinking about the most difficult challenges you’ve faced while building your Airbnb business and how you solved them. Some ideas include:

  • Maximizing your bookings
  • Improving your Airbnb rankings
  • Getting reviews from Airbnb guests
  • Figuring out how to best stage your property to attract guests
  • Buying and selling Airbnb properties for a profit

Then simply build out a consulting service offer that directly focuses on that problem so that you can help your clients from start to finish.

Target a Specific Niche of Airbnb Hosts for Airbnb Consulting

When an Airbnb host decides to hire an Airbnb consultant, they want a specialist, someone who has dedicated a lot of time to solve a problem that a host needs help with. This is the power of niche expertise and nearly every top Airbnb consulting business specializes in a specific niche.

It’s impossible for you to become good at helping everyone. However, you can become great at helping specific types of Airbnb hosts. To figure out what types of Airbnb hosts to target, you’ll need to do the following:

Search for the top Airbnb host blogs. Review the topics covered and comments that people leave on articles. What are hosts talking about the most?

You should also go to and look for blogs on running an Airbnb business. What do these books discuss? Why are they so popular?

Finally, locate the top Airbnb consultants on social media. Who are they and what are they doing that attracts clients to them?

Once you’ve done your research, consider your own skillset. Now that you know what types of problems people have, which are the issues that you think that you could be most effective in solving?

Once you’ve completed your research, you should have a good idea of how you can provide the most value to your consulting clients. Then you’ll just need to decide which tasks you can do yourself and which you’ll need to outsource in order to help your clients solve their problems.

Designing Your Airbnb Consulting Client Attraction System

Airbnb Consulting Guide

So now that you know who your Airbnb consulting clients are and how you will help them, you’ll need to design a system that continuously attracts new clients. Getting new clients is one area that is challenging for every Airbnb consultant unless you have a system in place.

This system is called a funnel and should consist of the following:

  • Online advertising to drive traffic to your landing page
  • Landing page to collect new leads
  • A value video for your landing page that provides useful tips for Airbnb hosts
  • Pre-screen survey to weed out clients that are not a good fit
  • Calendar for scheduling appointments
  • Phone to conduct new client consultations

Once your system is set up, you’ll be ready immediately to start accepting new clients. This system will also sure that you attract clients that are the perfect fit for your business.

As you can see, there’s no one right way to run an Airbnb consulting business. With low startup costs, a simple business structure, and tons of ways to deliver results for your Airbnb host clients, it’s no surprise that many Airbnb hosts are considering becoming Airbnb consultants.